Minggu, 25 Oktober 2009

Nasi Goreng Cibitung (Cibitung Fried Rice)

Nasi Goreng Cibitung
(Cibitung Fried Rice)
500 gr nasi putih
200 gr daging filet
250 gr udang kupas
100 gr kacang polong
100 gr jagung manis pipilan
1/2 sdt terasi goreng
1 buah wortel
3 bawang merah
2 cabai merah buang bijinya
2 kemiri
1 sdt garam
3 sdm minyak goreng
4 sdm kecap manis
Cara Membuat
Wortel dan filet dipotong-potong sebesar batang korek api
50 gr udang dihaluskan bersama bawang merah, cabai merah, kemiri, terasi dan garam. Sisa udang dibiarkan utuh
Tumis bahan-bahan yang telah dihaluskan tadi hingga harum, tambahkan udang utuh dan irisan wortel. Terus tumis hingga udang dan wortel matang
Masukkan nasi putih, kacang polong, jagung manis dan tuangkan kecap manis
Terus tumis hingga tercampur rata dan matang
Hidangkan dengan garnish sesuai selera

500 gr white boiled/steamed rice
200 gr beef fillet
250 gr shelled shrimps
100 gr greenpeas
100 gr sweet corn
1/2 teaspoon fried terasi
1 carrot
3 shallots
2 red chilies, leave out the seeds
2 candlenuts
1 teaspoon salt
3 spoons cooking oil
4 spoons sweet soysauce
Cut carrot and fillet Julliene (as size as a match stalk).
Chop/pulverize 50 grams shrimps together with shallots, red chilies, candlenuts, terasi and salt. Leave the rest of the shrimps intact.
Saute the mixture of the spicies above till smells good aroma, then add the intact shrimps, fillet and carrot. Keep on sauting till shrimps and fillet are weldone.
Add boiled/rice, peas, sweetcorn and soysauce.
Mix well till all are weldone.
Serve together with garnish to taste

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